Energy supply

We’ve been offering lower-cost energy in deregulated U.S. states since 2010. Contact us today for a free energy quote.

How does energy deregulation work?

Electricity and natural gas deregulation allows consumers to choose their energy suppliers rather than being restricted to a single utility company. This market-driven approach promotes competition among energy providers, often leading to lower prices, improved service quality, and more innovative energy solutions. Deregulation gives consumers the power to select plans that best suit their needs, whether it’s based on cost, renewable energy options, or other preferences. As an energy consultant, we help commercial and industrial energy users negotiate better energy supply rates with suppliers.

A full-service energy firm:


The Comfort Profit Advantage

At Comfort Profit Consulting, we have over a decade of experience representing clients in the deregulated energy markets. As our client, you will enjoy the following:

Frequently Asked Questions

How does energy deregulation work?

Energy deregulation is the process of opening up the electricity and natural gas markets to competition, allowing consumers to choose their energy suppliers instead of being limited to a single utility company.


No, the reliability of your energy service will not be affected by switching suppliers. The local utility company remains responsible for maintaining the infrastructure and delivering the energy to your home or business, ensuring consistent service.

To choose the right energy supplier, compare plans based on price, contract terms, renewable energy options, and customer reviews. Online comparison tools and consulting with an energy advisor can help you find a plan that fits your needs and budget. Comfort Profit helps our clients navigate the process of picking the right supplier and plan.

Yes, in most deregulated markets, you have the flexibility to switch back to your original utility company or choose another supplier if you are not satisfied with your current one. It’s important to check the terms and conditions of your contract for any potential fees or penalties for switching.

No. We are paid a commission by the energy supplier for enrolling customers in plans with them. We do not charge our clients for our energy supply services due to the commissions that we earn.

Get in touch with us

Book a free consultation with us today to learn more about our cost-saving solutions for your business.